Lucky Me!

on the lift

I have been so fortunate this week to meet, get to know, and get to help out with the remarkable Lydia Emily,at workWorld MS Day

and her crew!  She was in Portland to paint a large mural in support of finding a cure for M.S., and I was thrilled to be a small part of her local crew, helping to put in her last-minute finishing touches before the big party on Wednesday for World M.S. Day.  There is so much I could say about this amazing, magical woman and her strength and talent and generosity – but I will let the photos and the links to her information speak for her.  She is a world-renowned extraordinary painter, muralist, street artist, and an even more exceptional human. under the lift


Here I am!

Here I am!

I simply feel so lucky to have met her, and her friends and crew – Andy!, Libby and Heather from BluPrint Films, Robin, Michelle from PSU, Nishima, Chris, Dan – what a truly memorable week, and they are already doing it again in Louisville, Kentucky!IMG_7867

Check it out on 5th and Flanders in Portland

A fun additional surprise treat,Michelle and crew was our trip to a secret and awesome location to help Lydia paint one of her street art images.  more graffitiThe whole experience was enchanting and a bit surreal, with a fantastical blend of art, nature, friendship and the powerful vision of Lydia Emily.Lydia EmilybirdsRobin's paintingIMG_7747close upcomplete


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